Telering UMTS Stick Huawei E173

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Der telering umts mobile broadband stick E173 funktioniert mit dem neuen mac book pro (2012, 12C60) nicht. Es scheint, dass der stick zu wenig strom vom usb-port des mbp bekommt. lösung siehe unten…

The telering umts mobile broadband stick E173 doen’t work on the new mac book pro (2012, 12C60). The problem seems to be to little power output from the USB port.

get a USB Hub, connect it to the mbp, connect the modem E173 to the hub. internet is working now. hint: surprisingly now the mbp doesn’t care wether the hub has a seperate power supply or not. weird but it works also in ‚mobile‘ situations now. you only have to carry your usb hub along.

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